Office Feng Shui by Born Furniture
Office Feng Shui
Born Furniture introducing Feng Shui as a tool for ideal flow in your office.
Life has sure changed since the early century where taking work home was not heard of. Nor was working until 10pm at the office part of a normal weekday. During the past few decades, technology, cultural sensitivity and a whole host of legalities have transformed the workplace. Beginning with the women’s movement in the 1970s, the workplace has shifted from one dominated by older white males to a more multicultural community. Notably, women, minorities, the handicapped and younger workers now share the workplace at all levels. This has most definitely exposed our ambitions but it has not made it easier. We are juggling many balls and wearing many different masks at home and at the office.
Feng shui for our office is as important as the feng shui for our bedroom. As a matter of fact our office is our second home. In addition we should spend time equipping our offices better by creating a calming and protective atmosphere. You can do so by arranging your personal office or cubicle according to the tenets of Feng Shui to get the most possible work done with the least amount of stress and frustration.
The ideal office is a room of your own with a regular shape preferably a square or rectangle. Furthermore, natural lighting (at least one window), a solid door you can close, and a good position for your desk is also ideal. One of the great advantages of having your own office is that you can usually perform more decorative Feng Shui adjustments than if you work in a cubicle. Of course, not every company can afford, or desires, to put every employee in his or her own individual space. Here are some tips to clear your office space:
Clear Clutter & Organize: One of the most fundamental steps in creating a feng shui office is to get rid of clutter. Clutter has a profound impact on your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Ensure your desk is in the right position: In a feng shui office you want to make sure that you are sitting in the power position. Meaning that you can see the door when seated at your desk. Ideally, you should be able to see as much of the room as possible.
Use appropriate artwork and imagery: When you surround yourself with images and objects that you love and that inspire you, you create a living affirmation for your goals.
In a feng shui office you want to surround yourself with images and objects that keep you inspired, creative and productive. Add flowers, art and beautiful window treatments. Hang pictures, mottos and images that symbolize what you want to accomplish. Furthermore, choose furniture and accessories that speak to you of prosperity, abundance and success.
Incorporate stress relievers: Keep stress and irritability to a minimum by choosing furniture with rounded corners or positioning sharp corners out of traffic flow. Avoid harsh lighting or lots of glare since it can cause irritability and fatigue. Additionally, you can add music, running water or mist with essential oils to keep stress levels to a minimum.
However, these are only guidelines but will be a good start to a better and more creative working space. Please take into consideration that you will need to protect yourself from bad energies around the office too. One of the best ways to protect yourself from negative energy is to make sure you are filled with good energy. Make sure you don’t take on negative energy yourself. We look forward to hearing your comments after you have tried our tips on Office feng Shui.
The Born team