Office Feng Shui by Born Furniture Born Furniture, How to create a comfortable office space, comfortable office space, comfortable office, comfortable workspace, Office, work, workspace, business, corporate, company, efficient workspace, personalise office space, Office chair, executive office chair, furniture, sofa, formal sofa, couch, formal couch, New year, nature, flowers, growth, prosperity, focus,

How to create a comfortable office space this new year

Creating a Comfortable Office Space to power through the new year

Something that is often overlooked is a comfortable office space, however, being at ease means being more productive. In the corporate world, it is believed that stiff office settings are the way to go as it keeps you alert. We believe that your workspace should be somewhere you can move around and find comfort in all the corners of your office. Whether you are working in a private office or within a larger team space, here are some ways you can create a formal yet comfortable office space.

Office Aesthetics

An office with order is always more efficient, and that goes for all aspects of the business. Creating a workspace with harmony encourages focus and dedication. Choosing the right colours, decor and furnishing can have an immense impact on your efficiency in the workplace. Create a space that is pleasing to the eye and has an ambience of home rather than institutional. This will make you feel comfortable at work and more likely to put in dedicated time.


The Power Seat

You work hard, put in all the extra effort and you most definitely do not back down from a challenge. You deserve to be in the power seat and be seen as a force to be reckoned with. A fantastic way to keep yourself upright is to have an office chair that is both rigid in form and comfortable in design.


The Formal Sofa

Similar to an office chair or a well placed occasional chair, a formal sofa is a wonderful addition to any workspace. A sofa can create a relaxed environment within an open office space. Upholstering sofas in your corporate colours to and image also creates a balance between formal and casual, professional enough to seat clients and comfortable enough for you or your staff to enjoy daily.


Add Some Personality

Personal touches is what makes your home your own, similarly adding touches like photos, souvenirs and decor items can personalise your office. Adding personal touches to your workspace is a wonderful way to make it feel less formal or rigid. Consider placing items or messages that inspire you within sight. Furthermore, create an inspiration board that contains images of what you aim to achieve – this is a wonderful way to keep you focused.


The Growth of Nature

Bring the natural world into your office with plants, fresh flowers, unique stones or even an aquarium filled with colourful fish. A delightful touch of nature brings freshness into your office that symbolises growth, renewal and prosperity – all aspects needed in your business.


Creating a comfortable office space is necessary to be productive and succeed in your work. Having a place where you can focus and dedicate time effectively will boost your results and ultimately your mindset.

Explore our range of leather office furniture and create an efficient workspace.



Visit our online showroom for some office furniture

Born Furniture can provide you with comfortable furniture for your office , have a look at our Chesterfield sofas, Tub chairs and Wingback Chairs

Your home should tell the story of WHO YOU ARE, and be a collection of WHAT YOU LOVE.



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Balance between your Work and Family life as a Woman – a couple of tips from Born Furniture

Balancing your Work and Family life as a Woman – a couple of tips from Born Furniture

At Born Furniture we celebrate women during the month of August. Because we care we also know that finding a balance between work and family can be a challenge. So we decided to give you a couple of tips and tricks.

This is something that most of us find difficult, however it is an achievable concept. If you do meet someone who has it all figured out, chances are they will be back at it again in a year’s time. Trying to schedule an equal number of hours for each of your various work and personal activities is usually unrewarding and unrealistic. You need to work hard in order to achieve your personal and/or family goals. The one cannot survive without the other. You cannot get the full value from life without BOTH Achievement and Enjoyment.

The right balance for you when you are single will be different when you marry, or if you have children. It will also be difficult when you start a new career versus when you are nearing retirement. Our work and family circumstances vary significantly. Personal, family and work needs vary and are ever-changing, so you have to be more flexible. Being a full-time working parent can lead to feelings of guilt and stress because of divided attention between work and family.

The key is to develop creative solutions as you approach the challenges of balancing the responsibilities and joys of your many roles. Work life balance is something most parents really crave. Recent surveys reveal that many parents are eager to make changes so they can work more flexibly, even if it affects their pay. They do this because they know that having time with their children is important. This leaves us with the question; What can we do to attain the best possible from both worlds? Unfortunately, there is no formula to make this easier. Furthermore, your hierarchy of values will change as you move through the different phases of your life. These are merely guidelines and will make you feel better one way or another by practicing different ideas as well as thought processes.

Write down your hierarchy of values: Write down your values, from the highest to the lowest. This will enable you to see what is most important and least important to you. This will turn your focus towards certain values or show your weakness and where you should improve. For example, is your friends and/or your PlayStation more important than your family or your business. Woman and men’s values will vary as we are built differently. Limit time-wasting activities and people.

Meditate and create time for yourself: Being a good parent, partner and professional means being good to yourself first. Most of the time, when faced with challenging situations, the difficulty is in thinking what will I do. Also comparing it with past experiences or comparing it with other’s experiences. Don’t, these are the hurdles that we create for ourselves. Life is too complicated to be a perfectionist. We are all human and do not own Super Man’s genes. Meditate often (calming your mind) and revisit your written hierarchy of values.

Make one night your special night (If you have children and/or only married.) Movie night, Lego night or computer game night. Whatever they fancy. Few moms and dads can join in with their children’s post-school fun and games every evening. However, your children will love to know that there’s one night when everything stops, just for them.

Achieve an Integrated life: Keep things in perspective. Create harmony in your life, a mixture of work, family and friends. Remember there is no single formula for balancing work and family. It is a personal decision how one combines your spouse, children and career. Remember to divide your time. All of these different masks that we wear require a certain amount of attention. It is up to you to get to know what is more important than the other and make it work.

The Born Team